P1. How do I pay my bills? [
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- Log into PayBillsMalaysia
- Select the bill you want to pay
- Select the Payment Channel you want use and click Pay.
- In the next screen you will be able to confirm / change the amount you want to pay
- A Payment Acknowledgement Page will be given and you will need to finish the bank validation/authorisation process.
P2. When can I make a payment after subscribing to the biller(s)? [
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- For "Biller with Bill Presentment"
- The system requires that an outstanding bill be displayed on the "Bill Payment" page before you can make payment.
- You should be able to view your bill within minutes to 3 working days (dependant on Billers) after you have subscribed to your biller.
- The bills will be provided to PayBillsMalaysia according to the billing cycle of the billers.
- For "Biller without Bill Presentment"
- Some billers like Telekom, Yayasan Sarawak do not provide bill information to PayBillsMalaysia,
You can make your payment anytime after you have subscribed to the billers.
P3. How does PayBillsMalaysia actually pay my bills? [
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- PayBillsMalaysia acts as a mediator between you and your biller. Your instruction to "pay" will be routed to your bank
who will either debit your designated payment account or conduct a funds transfer from your credit card account.
- PayBillsMalaysia have contractual arrangement with the billers for settlement of the bills.
P4. How long does it take for a bill to be paid? [
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- This is subject to the availability of funds in your account. Your bill will only be paid when the bank has approved
your payment. This will normally happen on the same day payment was made.
P5. Will I be able to view and print my past payments? [
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- You can view your past payments under the "Payment History" option after you have logged into your PayBillsMalaysia
account. This page will display all successful and rejected payments.
- Your payment records will be retained for a period of 12 months. You can print your history by clicking on the "Print" button.
- An email will be send for all transactions done by user and this could also be a way for you to check your past payments.
P6. Why is my online payment not reflected in my latest bill? [
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- This happens when the biller had already processed your latest bill before the payment is updated in their system.
Therefore, your payment will only be reflected in your next bill.
- The update timing by different billers for successful payments varies and some billers may take up to 3 working days.
P7. Why is my offline payment at the post office or biller counter still displayed
as outstanding in my PayBillsMalaysia account? [
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- PayBillsMalaysia's database is not connected to the biller's customer information system. Therefore, your payment
will appear as outstanding in your PayBillsMalaysia's account.
- Your payment will only be reflected the following month when the billers provide your new bill.
- Please contact the respective biller's customer service for your latest balance.
P8. Can I make multiple Bill payments? [
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Currently we allow up to 9 bills to be paid for certain Payment Channels.
P9. Can I pay other people's bills? How? [
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- Yes, you can pay bills for other people.
- Subscribe to their bills by providing the consumer numbers and / or names (as per the bill statement) with the respective biller(s).
- Once you have an outstanding bill, just select the bill you want to pay.
P10. How do I make payments via my Internet bank account? [
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- You must be a registered user of our participating Banks
- Select the bill listed on the "Pay My Bills" page
- Select your bank account from the Payment Channel drop down menu.
- Click the "Pay" button. (You can edit the amount to pay on the next screen).
- You will be redirected to bank's window whereby you will be required to login to your internet banking account.
(Note: You need to log in separately for every transaction.)
- Payment is complete when you have concluded the process at the bank's website and a message informing that
payment has been processed is displayed.
- Payment is not made if you either (a) do not login to bank's window OR (b) close the window half way
through the payment process OR (c) do not complete the payment process at the bank's website.
- You will get 2 emails from PayBillsMalaysia for all payment attempts
- Payment Acknowlegement
- Payment Confirmation : Approved, Rejected or Cancelled
P11. The bank pop-up window did not appear. Why & what do I do? [
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- The pop-up window may not have appear because of a setting in your Browsers (Internet Explorer, FireFox,
Chrome, Safari etc) in the computer. Check the settings and ensure that you allow all pop-up windows and
do not block it. Transactions that are not completed will be cancel on the next working day at noontime.
P12. What should I do if I did not complete the payment process at Bank's window? [
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- For incomplete payment, most payment will be updated within one hour. Nevertheless all Pending transaction will be updated by us by noontime on the next working day after we process a separate final report from the Bank.
P13. I have difficulty with my Internet Banking. What do I do? [
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You would need to check direct with the Bank on the matter.
P14. I did not receive the Security Code SMS for my Internet Banking transactions. What do I do? [
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The SMS is from the Bank and not PayBillsMalaysia. If you did not complete the payment process at Bank's window, most transactions will be updated within one hour, else the transaction will be Cancelled by noontime on the next working day. Thereafter, you could try payment again.
P15. Can I make advance / excess payments? [
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- This is subject to the biller's terms and conditions.
- Payment must be made against either 'Current Charges' or 'Total Amount Due' or 'any amount exceeding Total Amount Due'.
- By default the 'Amount to Pay' is the same as the amount due.
P16. What is Open Payment? [
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- Open Payment is a function to allow user to pay for their bills without subscribing for it. User need to key-in the particulars each time
they use Open Payment. This function is not available for all bills( eg Assement Bills need to be subscribed before user can pay)
P17. There is a Double deduction in my Bank Account / Credit Card Statement. What should I do? [
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- You may have done a double authorisation or payment for the bill.
- Please inform us so that we could look into the matter :
- contact our Customer Service at 1-300-88-7722 or
- use our Feedback Form.
P18. What if I have queries on or want to dispute a payment that I have performed? [
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- Please contact us so that we could look into the matter.
- You can contact our Customer Service at 1-300-88-7722 or use our Online Feedback Form
P19. Do I have alternative avenue to raise issues or disputes i.e. alternative disputes resolution (ADR)? [
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- Yes, additionally, you can raise your issues and concerns to one or more of the following :
- Notify your Bank to start a query
- Lodge a report with the Biller concerned
- For bills from the State Government and Local Councils, you can also raise your concerns at the State's Public Service Help Line, Talikhidmat (http://talikhidmat.sarawak.gov.my/).
P20. Will there be any charges incurred for alternative disputes resolution (ADR)? [
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- There will be no charges by PayBillsMalaysia for any disputes and queries handling.
- However, please confirm with your respective Bank and Billers whether charges apply
P21. Can I pay overdue Bills? [
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- Different billers will have different guidelines on the matter. Majority of overdue bills can be paid at PayBillsMalaysia.
For Assessment Bills, a new bill with sub-charge will be make available for the user to pay.